Digital Asset Management for Advertising Agencies

More time for inspiration and creativity

Time is a precious good during the hectic working days in advertising agencies. Employees may waste hours searching for files, managing content and coordinating projects, which might affect their creativity. The Cavok digital asset management system offers smart solutions to overcome these challenges.

Digital Asset Management for Advertising Agencies

Get started with workflow automation

Indexing assets by keyword, converting assets into the appropriate format, entering them into other programmes, informing colleagues and keeping everything up to date. With interfaces and automatic workflows, such processes practically take care of themselves.

Get started with workflow automation
Automated translation of keywords

The DeepL interface enables automated translations of metadata into different languages. To do this, you need to store the desired languages in the system and you will be able to automatically apply it as soon as you enter a term.

Automated translation of keywords
Provide for more order and overview

Provide for more order and overview

Everyone has a different idea of order. Cavok offers clear guidelines and the necessary functions to keep track of everything.

Clever allocation of rights and roles

Clever allocation of rights and roles

By assigning specific roles and permissions, administrators can determine users’ rights regarding certain files or categories.  

Version control

Version control

Versioning captures, logs and time-stamps changes to files to ensure a traceable history.  

Category view and stack view

Getting a better overview via category view and stack view

Categories allow you to create your own virtual folders without affecting the basic order. With the stack view, assets are visually grouped into a stack.  

Win over your customers with your own brand portal

Take over the digital asset management for your agency customers by allowing them to directly use Cavok. To do this, you have the option of adapting Cavok to your customers’ requirements the way it suits them. Especially when it comes to Web2Print solutions, Cavok ensures that even multilingual design templates always correspond to the corporate design.

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Win over your customers with your own brand portal

Speed up your processes and let your creativity run free

How to avoid unnecessary file duplication

With the similarity search, images can be identified using visual similarities. This makes it easy to search for different images of the same product, duplicates or image variations, such as the high-resolution original image compared to the small image in an online shop.

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Previewing files and streaming of 4K videos

Cavok allows you to preview popular video formats without additional codecs or browser plug-ins. Even multi-GB 4K content can be played in the browser without downloading. Also teams working without an Adobe license can use Cavok to open and search file formats such as PSD, INDD or AI.

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Displaying and comparing different versions

Cavok shows you different memory statuses and the modification date of a file that can be displayed in a history. It is possible to specify which version should be considered the current one without losing intermediate statuses. You can easily compare two file versions using the slider.

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Importing images into InDesign via drag and drop

By default, Cavok comes with an InDesign plug-in for Mac (including Apple Silicon) and Windows. It is extremely easy to use: images and graphics can easily be dragged and dropped directly from the Cavok browser into an InDesign page.

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In which InDesign file can I find the image?

Cavok is able to answer this question for you within seconds. The system automatically saves the so-called relations and delivers them when needed.

Text search in PDFs, InDesign and Office applications

Cavok allows you to search for texts within files without having to open PDFs, Office or InDesign files. Cavok finds the word sequence you are looking for, directly displays the file with the corresponding text and, if required, offers a read-aloud function.

More information

Text search in PDFs, InDesign and Office applications

Carefree licensing and copyright management

Media rights management may often be complicated. Cavok provides for individual licence management to avoid unlicensed media releases and expensive re-licensing.

Automatic preservation of expired licences

Automatic preservation of expired licences

Cavok can read dates in licence agreements and link them to the associated assets. When the copyright of the image expires, you will be notified.

Sharing of licensed images for further use only

Sharing of licensed images for further use only

To avoid accidentally using an unlicensed image, files with expired licences can be hidden or marked with an appropriate icon.

Convenient overview of expired image rights

Convenient overview of expired image rights

Cavok can easily display images that will expire within the next few months in an overview of all images affected.

The advertising industry is constantly changing - go with the flow!

New platforms, technologies and trends are a big issue in the advertising industry. Cavok's system architecture allows adapting to other systems.

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Data hosting is possible on your own servers
Data hosting is possible on your own servers
GDPR-compliant at any time
GDPR-compliant at any time
Access via https/SSL and/or VPN
Access via https/SSL and/or VPN
No direct access via web server to the database
No direct access via web server to the database
Data hosting only on German servers
Data hosting only on German servers

Get your file management
to the next level

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No problem! Get an overview of our prices and licence models.

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Questions that may help you.

Where will my data be saved?

Companies take their own decisions on how their data is stored – be it an on-premises solution on the company's own servers or cloud-based, securely hosted by PEAK-14 in a German data centre or by any hosting provider.

We support the following file servers:

  • Windows
  • Linux
  • Helios
  • Synology NAS

A combination of different storage locations as a Hybrid SaaS model is also possible. Your data remain stored on your company's servers. Only the database and web server is located in an external data centre. In addition, you may choose a Hybrid SaaS model combining different storage locations. Your data remain on company-owned servers, while only the database and web server are located in an external data centre. These individual services are flexible enough to be distributed across multiple servers and also across multiple locations.

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